Thursday, November 29, 2007

Eliminate Pimples Fast

Everyday I get asked "How Can I get Rid Of My Pimples Fast?". This question is asked hundreds of times a day by people who suffer from acne or a person who has the odd pimple. I'm going to be honest here, there is no definite method that will eliminate pimples fast. There are millions of ways to get rid of pimples, some may work for you, some won't. That's the way it goes. Everybody has different skin, so certain acne treatments can't work for everyone.

So stop wasting your money right now, stop buying those products that promise you amazing results in just a short period of time. They may have worked for some people, they may work for you, but what's the point in spending money on a product that may or may not work. What you need is a cheap alternative to over-the-counter products that will give you the results you desire.

Eliminate Pimples Fast by using Natural Home-Made Remedies!

There are many ways to get rid of pimples using natural home-made remedies, I shall be listing the ones I've used and had great success from, and the most popular ones. First of I highly recommend using lemons to ge trid of pimples, and there are many ways in which you can do that. You need to extract the juice from the lemon, and apply to a cotton pad, you then wash your face or where ever the pimple is with the cotton pad which has lemon juice on. You then leave the solution on for 30 minutes then wash off with warm water. You can also mix lemon juice with rose water, mix enough to cover your pimples. Wash your pimple areas with the solution, leave on for 20 minutes then wash off.

Those are the most effective home-made remedies, if you stick a plan, and wash with the solutions everyday, you will eliminate those pimples fast!

Thomas Lee Dean had a severe case of case, you can learn the ways he managed to cure acne provides a very useful E-Course and gives you a step-by-step guide on how to achieve an acne free face!


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