Even today, with so many products offered for acne control, the best methods for you to use to prevent spots from showing up anywhere on the body is to start the healing process from within physically. Here are two quick steps you can take to begin preventing the eruption of acne:
- Reduce Your Iodine Intake
- Increase Your Zinc Intake
Reduce Your Iodine Intake
Do you love a lot of salt on your foods? Do you add salt to just about everything? Have you been eating a lot of oysters, shrimp, lobster, or other shellfish? Your iodine levels are probably high and high iodine levels stir up acne eruptions. If you need salt, try sea salt that has no iodine in it or another salt substitute. Keep an eye on the amount of shellfish you consume too.
Increase Your Zinc Intake
A deficiency in Zinc can lead to a host of skin complications including acne. Zinc has been found to have amazing benefits for the skin. You can take a 30 milligram supplement of Zinc two times every day for a period of 28 to 30 days. You can then lower what you consume to a single dosage every single day. This will help you have a healthy complexion.
If all you did was follow the guidelines above then you could be much closer to getting rid of your acne permanently. However, if you have more persistent acne that does not seem to want to disappear, no matter what you do, you might need to take more proactive action.
To find out the best methods to get rid of acne quickly and 100% naturally visit: ==> Acne No More